KAIROS - Price Daniel
Want to help? Well, here ya go........
Be a Team Member
Kairos volunteers come from all walks and strata of life. They all share a desire to follow Christ's admonition of Matthew 25:36, "I was in prison and you visited me." If you feel God's call to minister to the incarcerated the female family member or someone incarcerated, as a part of a Kairos team, go to your state on the Ministry Map (http://kpmifoundation.org/leadership/where-we-serve/) and contact the State Chairperson to inquire about how you can get involved, or contact the KPMI office to find out about qualification and training and to be put in touch with the local Kairos community. Not all team members serve inside correctional institutions. Kairos Outside weekends are usually held at church camps (and similar facilities).
Be a Prayer Partner
All Kairos activities are covered with prayer. You can be a part of that prayer effort. Contact us! You can find many of our prayer vigils on www.3dayol.org
Be a Support Volunteer
Each Kairos retreat weekend has opportunities for outside support, such as baking cookies, writing letters of support, or preparing meals. Get your church's Sunday school classes to color placemats for mealtime in prison.
Be a Ministry Financial Donor
All Kairos activities are funded by donations. If you would like to support this ministry by your donation, make your check payable (any amount is appreciated!) to Kairos Prison Ministry. Contact the current Price Daniel Unit Advisory Council Chairman (see contact tab) for mailing instructions of your donation.
Be a Cookie Baker
We may need up to 5,000 dozen cookies for a typical Kairos weekend. Do the math... that's 60,000 cookies! Homemade cookies are a tangible expression of Christian love and an indication of God's concern for a group of people who seldom encounter either in the course of their daily lives. Your loving sacrifice will provide "bread" that shines the Light of God's Grace into the darkest corners of a prison unit. May God bless you for the gift of baking! Different institutions have different rules concerning cookies, but if they allow cookies, you can guarantee that they'll allow chocolate chip! Check with your local Kairos community representative for details.
Be an Agape Contributer
Posters - Wall Agape
This is a poster(s) expressing God's unconditional love and grace for everyone. The most meaningful for the men is something that is drawn or hand written, especially by children. Posters can be made by classes, groups, families or anyone who will express God's love.
You Can use pens, ,markers, paint, crayons, or map colors only. Please DO NOT use glitter, glitter pens, or glue anything to the posters.
At every meal served at a KAIROS weekend, a placemat is included. These are extra special pieces of artwork drawn by children. Often the inmates will be allowed to keep these placemats in their possession. We have seen a child's placemat be an instrument God uses to soften the hearts allowing God's love to enter.
The more colorful the drawing the better. Use 11" x 17" white paper. We can provide the paper if needed. Include only the FIRST NAMES and AGE of the child. Use map colors, water colors or washable markers. DO NOT glue anything to the placemant, DO NOT use glitter or stickers.
A child tracing around their handprint with a simple "Jesus love you" is meaningful and is amazing how God can use it to touch a man's heart.